Field setup shifts are less than the name
indicates. Volunteers remove bags of goals and field equipment from the storage
bin, and distribute these bags to the corresponding field locations for use
during the day. It is the responsibility of the teams playing the first games
on each field to remove equipment from bags and actually set up goals and
equipment for games for the day. Other equipment, including the information and
referee tents, tables and chairs are removed from storage and set up for the
day. In addition, field setup volunteers paint lines on the fields prior to the
first game.
Field take down is similar to field set up, but
reversed. Volunteers collect bags of goals and field equipment from the fields,
and return these bags to the storage bin. It is the responsibility of the teams
playing the last games on each field to actually take down goals and equipment
for games from the day and place equipment in the field bag. Other equipment,
including the information and referee tents, tables and chairs are taken down
and returned to the storage bin.
Field monitors help make
Region 89 fun, fair, safe and positive by roaming the fields and encouraging
everyone to be on their best behavior. Bring a hat.