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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

DUE TO EXTREME HEAT - Opening Weekend Games for 9/7 and 9/8 are CANCELLED

Becoming a Team Parent

The AYSO Team Parent is a pivotal part of every team. They are the coach's assistant, cheerleader and traffic director all in one. These are things you will already be doing if your child is on the team, so take it one more step and help the entire team operate more smoothly! 

Every coach needs help arranging snacks and water for games, making calls when rain or snow makes practice impractical, and keeping an energetic team in line on the sidelines. You're making a difference for a whole team - a team that includes your child. It's a great way to make your child's team a family experience! 

Another important role a Team Parent can play is the unofficial Kids Zone representative at every game. Kids Zone is one of the ways AYSO makes sure all its players and volunteers are having fun. The program encourages spectators to use good language, show good sportsmanship in attitude and behavior, and create an enjoyable day for every player. The Kids Zone button, parent pledge form and sign, remind those on the sidelines to act appropriately, and a Team Parent can wear and share these important tools with everybody watching the game. 

AYSO is 100% volunteer operated.  Without volunteer coaches, your child does not have a soccer team.   NOTE:  All teams and volunteer positions require the same level of Volunteer clearance - it does not matter if you are a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Referee, Snack Shack Helper, Grounds Keeper, it doesn't matter - ALL Volunteers must complete the following steps:

1. Register as a Volunteer - when you register your child, also click on the Volunteer registration and Register yourself as for a Volunteer Role - select Head Coach, Assistant Coach, it doesn't matter - you all need to complete the same process.   

2. Complete Background Check and Live Scan Finger Printing.   Once you've completed the registration process your name will automatically be submitted for a Background Check Request.  There is a $25.00 upfront cost to have the background check completed through Steerling Service, however once you've completed the Volunteer Clearance Process you may submit your receipts for reimbursement and Region 89 La Mesa will reimburse you for this cost.

3. Login to AYSOU and complete California State Mandated and AYSO National required trainings:
     - AYSO Safe Haven
     - CDC Concussion Awareness
     - Simon's Heart Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness
     - U.S. Safe Sport

Once you have completed these 3 steps you'll be cleared as an AYSO Volunteer and we can begin to assign you to a team (and more importantly your player to your team).  Again, we cannot form teams and assign players to teams without VOLUNTEERS.

Please step up at the beginning of the season and offer the coach your help as Team Parent!

Job Description

The AYSO volunteer position of team parent is intended to carry out duties as directed by the team parent coordinator.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

The team parent is expected to:

  • Distribute information to the coaches, players, and families of AYSO players; and

  • Assist team parent coordinator with the distribution of team and individual photos, fundraising materials, and awards or certificates to the players.

  • Assist the coach by making the snack schedule;

  • Distributing the uniforms and making phone calls for picture day;

  • Schedule changes, rain-outs, etc;

  •  You can cut down that time commitment by working with another parent;

  •  Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website, coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, ect.

Qualifications and Desired Skills

To be considered for the position of team parent, the applicant should:

  • Be a good communicator;

  •  Be organized;

  • Be dependable; and

  • Successfully pass a screening, including a background check.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 89 La Mesa

PO Box 131 
La Mesa, California 91944

Email Us: [email protected]
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