Your fees will help pay for: Uniforms, field equipment, field maintenance, community fees, accident insurance, coach and referee training.
Practice times and locations are set by the Coach.
*Players must provide shin guards! Recommend soccer cleats and appropriate size soccer ball.
Each player that registers will receive an age appropriate sized soccer ball from the Region.

Help Us Grow!!
Join the fun, come back and be a part of AYSO, The World’s Largest Soccer Club as we continue to Provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children’s lives.
Can my children play on the same team?
Answer: Our registration is based on the child's birth year (i.e. a child born in 2020 would be turning 4 years old in 2024, therefore would play with other 4 and 5 year olds who are all U nder 6 (U6) ) The Age Divisions are fundamental to our Balanced Teams Philosophy and are in place for child's safety and player development. If you have players that are differing in age (i.e. a 4 year old and a 6 year old) the 4 year old sibling will be placed in the U6 program and the 6 year old player will be placed with other 6 and 7 year olds in the U nder 8 (U8) program.
Can my child play with our neighbor / friend?
Answer: While we attempt to accommodate friend requests, we cannot guarantee the request. AYSO strives to have Balanced Teams so one team is not filled with older / more experienced / higher skilled players and then another team has younger / less experienced / new players. Also our Open Registration allows for players to register for nearly 3 months however we form teams based on player pool available at the time of team formations. If your friend registers at a different time than you registered it may mean that the team roster you were allocated to is full and does not have room for the friend request. The only guarantee for "friends" or "car pool" to be setup is the Volunteer Coach and Volunteer Assistant Coach will have their children on their team.
Can I request as specific Coach?
Answer: Unless the specific Coach is yourself or your assistant coach - the answer is NO. Teams are Balanced according to age / experience / skill levels and assigned to Coaches in the Volunteer Pool for the age division. We have no guarantee from season to season that a requested coach will be returning. Also due to Balanced Teams each season the Coach is assigned new players to their roster. The only guarantee for roster assignments is the Volunteer Coach and Volunteer Assistant Coach will have their children on their team.
My Child is born late in the year (November / December) they will not turn 8 until after the season. Can they play in the U8 Division?
Answer: Our registration is based on the child's birth year and is determined by the calendar year (January 1 - December 31). A child born in 2016 who will turn 8 years old this calendar year will be considered an 8 year old and play with other 8 and 9 year olds in the U nder 10 (U10) division. Players are not allowed to play down an age group. This philosophy is part of our Balanced Teams approach where players of similar age are placed in the same division.
My Child is born early in the year (January / February) they have friends in the older division and they are bigger than all the other kids in their division. Can they play up with their older friends?
Answer: AYSO is centered around Player Development and Balanced Teams. In general, the players division assignment will be based on their calendar birth year. If a player is skilled / matured enough to "play up" then the Region will evaluate the player's skill level / maturity level as well as evaluate open roster positions on teams in the older division and if appropriate may move a player up on a case by case basis.
When and Where are Practices held?
Answer: Practices are determined by the Coach. This is one of the many advantages of being the Head Coach is that the coach determines the practice schedule and location. We realize that EVERYONE is busy and have crazy schedules through the week. We can not accommodate everyone's individual personal calendars, so Practices are typically 1 to 1.5 hours per session and you may have 1 or 2 sessions per week depending on Coach availability. Practices are held at various locations within the La Mesa / Spring Valley School District. The only guarantee of a practice time / location is the Volunteer Head Coach will set their schedule according to their personal calendar.
When and Where are Games held?
Games are held on weekends, typically Saturday mornings (and older divisions U16/U19 on Sunday afternoon) at various locations throughout East County San Diego (La mesa, El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside, Alpine, Jamul). The season will start games on Saturday September 7th and continue through the middle of November. Exact Game Schedule will not be available until the first week of September.
I'm willing to Volunteer, but I've never played soccer - can I still help?
Answer: ABSOLUTELY, our AYSO Program is about providing a FUN, FAIR, and SAFE environment for our children. if you are willing to volunteer to accomplish that goal, we can train you on the Beautiful Game. Especially if you are volunteering in the younger divisions. Many of our younger players this is their first experience playing soccer as well - you can develop right along side the new player. To become a volunteer - when you register your player, also click on the Volunteer registration and complete the Volunteer application. More details can be obtained through our website under the Coach or Referee tab to see the specific volunteer requirements for those roles.
My child has decided not to play soccer or has been accepted to another team. Can I get a Refund?
Answer: If you are making your request prior to August 1st the answer is most likely YES. See the Refund Policy under the General Information Tab of our Website. Request for Refunds must be made in writing to [email protected]
For Additional Questions - check out our League Info tab and Contact Us or reach out to a Board Member who can assist you in answering your questions.