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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Let the games begin - Spring 2025 Registration is open!

Referee Training

AYSO is 100% volunteer operated.  Without volunteer Referees, your child does not have a soccer game.   NOTE:  All teams and volunteer positions require the same level of Volunteer clearance - it does not matter if you are a Center Referee, Assistant Referee, Youth Referee, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Snack Shack Helper, Grounds Keeper, it doesn't matter - ALL Volunteers must complete the following steps:

1. Register as a Volunteer - when you register your child, also click on the Volunteer registration and Register yourself as for a Volunteer Role - select Referee (or if you're under 18 select Youth Referee), it doesn't matter - you all need to complete the same process.   

2. If you are 18 years or older, complete Background Check and Live Scan Finger Printing.   Once you've completed the registration process your name will automatically be submitted for a Background Check Request.  There is a $25.00 upfront cost to have the background check completed through Steerling Service, however once you've completed the Volunteer Clearance Process you may submit your receipts for reimbursement and Region 89 La Mesa will reimburse you for this cost.

3. Login to AYSOU and complete California State Mandated and AYSO National required trainings:
     - AYSO Safe Haven
     - CDC Concussion Awareness
     - Simon's Heart Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness
     - U.S. Safe Sport

Once you have completed these 3 steps you'll be cleared as an AYSO Volunteer and we can begin to assign you to a team (and more importantly your player to your team).  Again, we cannot form teams and assign players to teams or have teams play soccer games without VOLUNTEERS.


AYSO offers unrivaled comprehensive training for referees. Because the training is focused on the kids, referee training is more than learning the laws of the game - it's a multi-dimensional experience.

The Regional Referee courses, which are required elements for all those individuals new to refereeing, emphasize the fundamental elements of the Laws of the Game, namely getting the match started, stopping and restarting play.

For those interested in joining the referee ranks, the required training consists of a two part course.  Part 1 is completed ONLINE through AYSOU - this is the Regional Online Companion Course - this is roughly a 90 minute course completed entirely online at your own pace.  Part 2 is an In Person / On Field Session designed for individuals refereeing in the U10 division or higher. No advance preparation is required and all course materials will be provided on the day of the class. Refreshments will be provided, along with lunch at the all-day classes.

Completion of the Regional Referee course certifies that you may referee an AYSO soccer match; however, all of our new volunteers begin refereeing games at the U10 level. Every volunteer who acts as a center or assistant referee takes the same course, providing Region 89 with well trained referee corps. Specialized instruction for assistant referees is included in the In Person / On Field course. In addition to our on-the-field mentoring program for new referees, we hold workshops during the regular season for those who wish to hone their skills and referee at a higher level later on.

For those experienced referees seeking to upgrade their badge to either the Intermediate or Advanced level, we encourage you to take one of the Intermediate or Advanced Referee courses that are typically offered within Area 11V.   Check the Area 11V website or contact the Area Referee Director of Instruction for details of these course offerings or ask anyone on the Referee Staff for information about attending one of these advanced classes.

We coordinate our training program with other local AYSO regions. If our training dates are not convenient for you, many of the other regions in the surrounding area offer similar courses that may better fit your schedule. We anticipate that there will be a number of classes from mid-July to mid-September that will be available to you as alternative choices. Check the Area 11 V website for class dates, locations and registration information.


In AYSO there is no out-of-pocket cost in becoming a referee. We only ask that you invest your time to help promote a FUN, FAIR and SAFE environment for our kids. Once you have completed the Regional Referee class, you will be provided a complete uniform and accessory kit needed in order to get you off to the right start in your first match.

Once again, thank you to all who volunteer to be a referee. We appreciate your commitment to our kids and the AYSO program and we will do whatever we can to make this experience as enjoyable and as rewarding as possible. See you on the field! Referees are encouraged to check the web site frequently for updates, announcements and other information.

Referee Equipment

Referee uniforms and supplies are kept in the equipment storage container. Please allow enough time to pick up equipment well before your games. After hours, equipment ordered ahead will be packaged for you and available at the Ref Tent. The best way to order referee equipment: email John at [email protected].

New referees: after the Regional Referee classes, pick up your Regional Referee badge and uniform when you participate in the on-the-field Practical. We provide a gold jersey with black stripes, black shorts, white-striped black socks, and a black cap. You provide black shoes and a chronograph wristwatch. You'll receive an accessory kit (referee whistle, match coin, card wallet) when you center your first match; center refs for U10 or higher matches qualify for a set of flags. 

Experienced refs: you should have a gold jersey with thick-thin pin stripes. A women’s cut is available. Recycle uniforms with narrow stripes or older patterns at the ref equipment container; we provide them to local groups that receive donations of players' uniforms from Region 89. Region 89's “Sunday refs” officiate U16 and U19 games all weekend and receive a larger selection of jersey colors. To further motivate our experienced refs to enhance their skills and advance to the next badge level, Intermediate refs qualify for various upgrades, and Advanced and National refs receive incentives including special jerseys and gear bags. 

The Ref Staff requests that you wear the correct uniform while officiating. Yes, we do have a referee dress code: “Look like a professional referee.” We provide positive examples for our kids, their families, and their coaches. Our appearance and attitude reflect our commitment and responsibilities. Untucked jerseys and random articles of clothing earn less respect.

Jerseys may last forever, but do you need new socks? Has your hat faded from black? We appreciate all of you; please ask and we'll try to fix you up. Send an email; describe item/s you want; include size/s and color/s if applicable. Sizes range from Adult XS to XXL for most clothing. You may try on items to ensure you get the correct size. Ask at the Ref Tent after hours if you absolutely must have something right away; we can often help you. We track inventory closely to be able to give you what you need quickly. We ask that you don’t help yourself. Thanks very much.


Unfortunately it may occasionally be required to file a Misconduct Report Form in the upper divisions (U14 to U19). This form is currently available as a PDF file that can be downloaded and then filed with the Regional Ref Administrator.

AYSO & USSF Documents - English

  • 2011 AYSO Laws of the Game 

  • 2011 - 2012 Advice to Referees 

  • 2011 Guide to Procedures 

  • Guidance for Coaches, Referees, Parents & other Volunteers 

  • Referee Service Points


  • 2011-2012 Laws of the Game - Spanish AYSO edition 

  • 2011 Guia Para Arbitros Sobre Las Reglas De Juego 

  • 2011 Guia de Procedimientos

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AYSO Region 89 La Mesa

PO Box 131 
La Mesa, California 91944

Email Us: [email protected]
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